Holistic Therapy Rebalance Reflexology and Holistic Therapy in Aberdeen

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a non intrusive complementary health therapy that has the ability to stimulate the body’s own healing powers. It is a modern science and art which deals with the long-established principle that there are energy zones which run throughout the body and reflex areas in the hands and feet, that are associated with or connected to all the various systems, organs and glands of the body. It is the belief that the body is divided into ten vertical energy zones, and the correct application of therapy to a single zone will influence every part of the body within that zone. For more information on reflexology points click on the interactive AoR foot map.

What is Reflexology?. reflex map

Benefits of Reflexology

Potential benefits of reflexology are believed to include:

  • reduced stress
  • feelings of deep relaxation
  • increased energy levels
  • release of endorphins (which may also provide pain relief)
  • improved circulation
  • more efficient removal of impurities and toxins
  • a stronger immune system
  • a sense whole body is better balanced, or in harmony

    If you have been ill or injured, under stress, or if you are suffering from a chronic condition, your body will be in a state of imbalance; vital energy pathways will be blocked and, in short, your body will be unable to function efficiently. Reflexology can be used to restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium and encourage healing. In fact, research suggests reflexology is what it affirms to be, and is 'a treatment that seeks to enhance and harmonise the mind, body, and spirit' (McCullough, et al., 2014).



Introduction to Reflexology

What is Reflexology?. indian small

What to expect after Reflexology

After treatment you may experience a feeling of deep relaxation and tranquility, therefore it is good to engage in some peaceful activity immediately afterwards to maintain this feeling of wellbeing. It is important after a reflexology treatment to drink plenty of water to assist in flushing toxins from the body, and to avoid alcohol.

Healing Crisis
Very Occasionally, after any holistic therapy, you may experience a 'healing crisis'. This usually indicates that your body is going through a 'cleansing' process. It may also indicate that more treatments may be necessary. Symptoms you may experience are headache, nausea, cold or flu like symptoms, bowel changes, feeling emotional and fatigued. These symptoms should normally resolve within a few days. During this time you can support your body by drinking lots of water, eating healthily, and gently exercising. If you have concerns or questions about anything you are experiencing following any of the aforementioned holistic therapies, please feel assured that you can contact me.


For more information on reflexology points, click on the interactive AoR foot map below:


McCullough, J. E. M., Liddle, S. D., Sinclair, M., Close, C., and Hughes, C. M. (2014) ‘The Physiological and Biochemical Outcomes Associated with a Reflexology Treatment: A Systematic Review’, Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, United States, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2014, pp. 1–16. [Online] Available at: doi: 10.1155/2014/502123.


Relax, Rebalance, Re-energise...


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